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test t
Subject Area: Agriculture / Forestry
Subject: Agricultural economics
Hello Andrea, how are you
Created: 2022-05-12 16:38:34Created by: Wayne Test0ReplyReplyMoreMore
Subject Area: Tourism / Hospitality
Subject: History of tourism
Whats going
Created: 2022-04-19 16:29:48Created by: Wayne Test0ReplyReplyMoreMore
Learning foreign new languages!
Subject Area: Languages (Study of specific languages)
Subject: Chinese
Do you think it will be useful to start learning Chinese? As it is a very fast growing country and there are many people predominantly from China in the world!I think we should start)
Created: 2022-01-31 12:08:52Created by: Daniil Dziakevich1ReplyReplyMoreMore
Subject Area: Tourism / Hospitality
Subject: Hotel management
Hello everyone!
Created: 2022-01-30 16:27:53Created by: Daria Latti1ReplyReplyMoreMore